The Lancashire Combined County Authority is led by locally elected politicians, meaning it has democratic decision making at its heart. We make our decisions in accordance with the highest standards of accountability, openness, and transparency.
We are committed to good governance to deliver value for money services and projects for the people of Lancashire. Our governance arrangements are constantly reviewed to ensure this is the case.
Our members
Information on the members of the Combined County Authority.
The Lancashire Business Board
The Lancashire Business Board is made up of leading representatives from the business community in Lancashire, and provides a forum for the business voice to be heard in the development and deployment of local and national initiatives to promote growth, investment, regeneration and economic inclusion across Lancashire.
Our meetings and decisions
On this page you can find information about the LCCA's meetings and decisions, including agendas and minutes and Registers of Interest. Meetings of the LCCA and its committees are held in public to ensure transparent decision making. Where possible, meetings are webcast for you to watch.
Our constitution
Our Constitution explains how the Lancashire Combined County Authority works, how decisions are made, and the procedures we follow to make sure our work is efficient and effective, and is both transparent and accountable to local people.
The Constitution will be agreed at the first meeting of the LCCA.
Information requests
You can find out how to make requests for information under the Freedom of Information Act and the Data Protection Act on the Our Policies page.
Core documents
The Lancashire Devolution Deal (2024)
Lancashire's Proposal document to form a Combined County Authority