The Lancashire Business Board

Comprising of leaders from the county's foremost regional, national and international firms, the Lancashire Business Board's role is to:

  • provide a private sector perspective and business voice in local policy development
  • act as advocates for the Lancashire economy and support efforts to win inward investment from the private and public sector
  • act as the voice of business in the development of devolution in Lancashire
  • draw on personal and business acumen (or where from a business representative organisation, the views of their members) to provide creativity and challenge to the development and deployment of local and national initiatives deployed to promote growth, investment, regeneration and economic inclusion across Lancashire
  • bring personal skills, knowledge, insights and expertise from individual experience, companies, sectors and projects, whilst acting collectively to represent the totality of the Lancashire economy
  • develop plans and projects alongside local government, illustrating that the strategies and projects being put forward as priorities for Lancashire have a broad base of support

The Lancashire Business Board is made up of 17 members from leading businesses and organisations from all across Lancashire:

Board Member Organisation
Graham Baldwin University of Central Lancashire
Miranda Barker East Lancashire Chamber
John Chesworth Harrison Drury
Jane Cole Blackpool Transport Service and North West Lancashire Chamber
Tim Conlon Terberg Environmental
Dave Holmes BAE Systems
Jeremy Hartley Eric Wright Group
Zuber Issa EG Group
Mo Isap IN4.0
Liz Moss Show Town
Babs Murphy North and Western Lancashire Chamber of Commerce
Mark Rawstron Investment Director
Kate Shane Blackpool Leisure Portfolio
Steve Williams Force Technology
Rachel Westray Westinghouse
Tim Webber Barnfield
Lauren Zawadski Deco Publique